13 Steps to a Good Mass
Fr. Jerry J. Pokorsky • 10/11/2023
“Behold the Lamb of God. Behold him who takes away the sins of the world.”
Here are some thoughts to improve the externals of our Eucharistic devotion.
1. Arrive on time.
We all run late at times, but when we consistently run late, we have a problem. The mandatory count of Mass attendees recently revealed that over 30 percent of the people come late to Mass, usually skipping the Penitential Rite (“I confess” and “Lord have mercy”). From a statistical perspective, the high rate suggests habit.
The whole Mass is the perfect worship of God. Arrive in time to invoke the Holy Spirit to help you participate worthily.
2. Genuflect before entering the pew.
If in doubt, observe the youngsters. Sometimes the best an oldster with creaky bones can do is to bow respectfully.
3. Maintain reverent silence and subdued speech.
Upon entering a church, greeting family and friends with discretion is customary. We smile, say good morning under our breath, and